
Life’s Struggles … Or a New Adventure?

December 16, 2008

I usually find myself very intrigued by ones journey in life and how they feel and cope with the choices that they have taken or what road in life one was given. One thing I do know, the older we get and the more we know, the consequences of our choices get deeper; not only affecting ourselves but others as well.

 Why do I bring this all up you may wonder?  Because I myself am at a fork in my life’s journey and I find myself struggling to find myself in a different role- this time, a widow. I know there are many women out there that have either gone through this struggle or are currently going through it as well or will be soon. When do you feel like you are no longer the “couple” but are now the  “single” one amongst your friends, but still a “couple” in your heart? How and when does the hurt stop? When will the pain of the emptiness of your heart stop crying out that you just want a hug, someone who makes you feel safe once again?

I feel lonely and empty and my world has been turned upside down and I know I need to get to a place where I can feel comfortable in my “own skin” once again. One thing I know for sure – pain is a motivator for change!

 Life has too much to offer for me to lie down and say I have given up. Truth is what we know and believe in but “feelings”come on shaky ground. Feelings cannot be counted on, they are unstable and would have us stand on unsteady ground. I know and believe that although life did not turn out as I would have liked, I KNOW I have a purpose. It’s just changed direction a little right now to lead me to another journey that will end up being an adventurous road to follow. Now when you have purpose, which we ALL do, don’t sit there and think it will jump out at you if you don’t already know what it is. Start the ball rolling! Think about what you like to do and are good at and start in that direction.

Soon enough you will know if the door closes or a new one opens. I have a strong suspicion that once we direct our energies into our new way of thinking, we end up more self assured, more at peace with ourselves and even a little proud of knowing we can make it on our own! Not to say that it’s not a good thing to let family and good friends encourage you through this challenge, but it was our effort that got us there!

 I suspect that as we start to realize that we’re not so much the third wheel anymore and as we start to become revived and have new meaning and purpose for this season of our lives,  our thoughts are now in alignment with all that we have accomplished. Will it be easy? No way. Necessary? You bet. These struggles and life’s discouraging events can and will accomplish in us stronger self-esteem, confidence and we will radiate that in our zeal for life and then who knows? We may find ourselves facing a new relationship that is attracted to that new you or another road to take, but this time, we can embrace it with boldness and confidence.

You choose. As for me, I’ll take that leap of faith and see what is before me with excitement and maybe a little trepidation but knowing I’ll be a better person for doing it! Will you join me in doing it together? We would love to hear your comments our friends and also invite you to visit our fifthavenuejewellerycollection.com site. Any questions or queries, just write and we’ll be happy to help out any way we can.

 Merry Christmas to all of you,

 Karen Goemans and Lynn Berman-Yates

Sizzle & Sassy

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